Mailbox Post Ordering
All mail box posts must be Trotter Ridge Post and black box secured from Guilford Builders Supply. [from Paragraph 5(b)]
The former Guilford Builders Supply is no longer in business to supply Mailbox Posts. The Board has recently contracted with an independent carpenter to custom-build new posts to the Trotter Ridge standard. Please do not purchase a pre-made post from a home improvement store, hardware store, or other vendor without checking with the Board first!
The current price of the Mailbox Post alone will be $102.00, due to dramatic increases in the cost of materials and labor. This does not include the price of a Black Mailbox.

Orders for Trotter Ridge-style Mailbox Posts are limited to River Oaks, Oak Ridge, NC neighborhood residents only! Orders received from persons and addresses determined to be outside of our neighborhood will be rejected!
If you are in need of a Trotter Ridge style Mailbox Post, we are now offering two different methods for you to place an order.
- You may order through an electronic method of paying for your Mailbox Post through a PayPal option here, which will allow you to use your existing PayPal Account or any major Credit or Debit Card to pay for your Post in a safe and secure manner. (It is not necessary that you have a PayPal account to use this feature, nor will you be forced to create one if you use your Credit/Debit Card).
2. If you are uncomfortable in using PayPal, you may use any online payment services provided by your own bank, or you may mail in a check. Please send an email message to the HOA to put your order in for one as they are built and delivered. Payments should be made payable to River Oaks Homeowners Association, in the amount of $102.00, and sent to the following postal address:
River Oaks Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 901
Oak Ridge, NC 27310
To learn more about Placing and Installing a USPS-approved Curbside Mailbox, please click here for more information.
Your Volunteer HOA Board appreciates your participation in properly following our neighborhood Covenants.