Mailing List Signup
The Board for the River Oaks Homeowners Association uses e-mail as its primary way to communicate to our Neighbors, with newsletters, notifications, and alerts. The Board does not use these communications to endorse or sponsor any commercial product, service, or activity, other than the news and events that affect the overall neighborhood or surrounding community.
For New Residents to be added, or Current Residents to provide updates, to the Email and Contact Lists for the River Oaks Neighborhood, we are now offering two different methods to include your information in our database.
- You may download to print this New Resident Form to fill out, being sure to include your Name, Home Address, Email Address and Contact Phone Number(s). Then scan or photograph the document, attach to an email message, and send it back to the Homeowners Association.
2. As an alternative option, you may use our new online MailChimp Signup Form to enter in your information. Please be sure to include your Name, Home Address, Email Address and Contact Phone Number(s). This will add or update your Contact information to our database, to be confirmed by our HOA Secretary.
Thank you for adding or updating yourself in our Contact List to remain informed of neighborhood events and alerts. Please remember to check your Spam/Junk email box to ensure our messages have not fallen there, and to add “” to your Address Book or Safe Senders List, so you won’t miss out on future communications from the Board for the Neighborhood!